At Reunion, our patients are at the core of what we do. Each of our patients receives individualized support and the reviews of past patients speak to the quality of services we provide. Today we’re sharing the experience of Lori Powers, a previous patient at Reunion Inverness.
Lori has received rehabilitation at our Inverness location twice. Alongside her service dog, London, she successfully reached her goals and has returned home. We were honored to work with Lori and believe that her story is a testament to the benefits of choosing a Reunion hospital.
When asked about her experience at Reunion, Lori shared, “Respect. Compassion. Care. Those words define Reunion Rehab Inverness like no others. I've rehabbed at that location twice and have never had a better experience in acute care.” Respect, compassion, and care are certainly pillars of what we do, as we seek to provide a comprehensive rehabilitation experience that allows individuals to return to their communities with as much independence as possible.
While rehabilitation is our main focus, there’s so much more that goes on at Reunion hospitals. Not all of it has to do with health - one of Lori’s favorite parts of her stay was when the Inverness CEO had a chance to play fetch with her dog, London.
We were continually impressed by Lori’s dedication to her care and improvement. She wrote, “At every Reunion Inverness stay I ask the therapists to incorporate what I must do for London in our sessions. As well, I want to do therapy that will fit my reality and day-to-day living. I also tell them that I will put 110% into therapy but they must do the same. It is an agreement that we have all kept. All of the employees also listen to my input and feedback about improvements that could be made … The medical teams also listen, not just hear, when I suggest different doses or medications and we discuss whether this is something that would be advisable and they would be comfortable doing.”
We love what Lori said: our medical teams truly listen to our patients. We understand that patients should play an active role in their rehabilitation, so we take their thoughts, opinions, and goals into account when making decisions.
When Lori went to Reunion Inverness, she was struggling with long COVID symptoms. While long COVID isn’t one of the main conditions we treat, we were still able to create individual solutions and tailor Lori’s care to meet her specific needs.
Lori shared with us that “if the employees, especially the therapists, didn't understand my long COVID symptoms, I'm not sure I could get through all the work that I must do to improve. They would inquire about my fatigue level prior to, during, and after each session. Because of this very caring attitude I saw daily victories whether taking one more step or getting my shoes on myself, or feeding London without spilling her food or water. That's my reality. That's my day-to-day living. London and I make the most of each day and do what we can or desire. Reunion Inverness gets us back on the right track every time.”
Thank you, Lori, for trusting us with your care and being part of the Reunion family.
Lori’s words are so true to the Reunion spirit that we’d love to share the full letter with you…

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